A few years back, while I was still working at the Ten Sleep Library, a gentleman came walking in to use our computers. I visited with him after he finished his digital business. He had a unique accent… so, of course, I asked where he was from. Answer: The Netherlands.
“So what are you doing in Wyoming?”
“I’m a photographer.”
“What do you photograph?”
“Everything. Anything. Cowboys? You know any cowboys?”
sure do.
We ended up inviting him to a friend’s house where he spent the next two days. We ate supper there. I invited him here. We talked of places he’d seen. People he had photographed. The concept of “the ugly American”. The war in Iraq. How he loved rural people. How they were nice. How they were generous. How alike they are worldwide. It was people in cities that were “different”. It was 2 days of a mind expanding experience. It was great.
I continued to email him for a while…
I check his website every so often just to see where he’s been.
I had mentioned the lack of a book of his art (for his photographs surely are that!) while he was visiting Wyoming. I am happy to see he now has had a book published. It is on my “I want that list”.
If you love gorgeous photography…
If you love unique places worldwide…
If you yearn to capture your surroundings with a camera and an artist’s eye…
If you have a while to oooh and aaaah…
Please go to his website.
Tell him “hi” from me.
oh… and check out his “stills” section… he has a photo of “Steve’s Workshop – Wyoming” in his collection! You’ll laugh when you see it! At least, I do!
Thanks, Thijs!
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