And… my two latest projects. and…
Category: Projects

Throwback Thursday: Getting Closer, v.2.0
This was first posted March 13, 2014. I need a project like this again… Well, it was back to the Good Ol’ Art Studio Project the other day… I worked a bit with some chinking… some cleaning… some organization… but best of all… I managed to get some insulation up! Just about ready for some…

Concrete Day
Holy moly. I don’t think I’ve been this sore in a long time. While I initially helped spread the concrete, I soon switched to finishing. Troweling. Running the bull float. Edging. Once my sidewalk was done, they poured three pads for water troughs. Then they moved to Brandon and Megan’s house for a sidewalk and…

On My List
I came home from my town trip on Monday to this! I’ve lived in this house since 2010. This has been on my list ever since. This sidewalk has been a pain in the winter. Below the grass level, it often was a skating rink. It was safer to walk in the snow and grass…

Yay for Organization
It began to sprinkle last night. Our morning was cool and pleasant after the 90 degree heat of a few days ago. Then, the rain began. As I sit here typing, we’ve been blessed with 1.38”! That’s quite a bit of rain for Wyoming! It continues to pour and the week is forecasted to be…

Step Stool Needed
All summer, I’ve had this project on my list. Finally! I admit, it doesn’t look like much, but it will help me be a bit more organized. I have run out of room in my basement to store things since I expanded my pantry. What needed to move was my Christmas decorations. We have plenty…

Eh, Not Bad
Continuing my project from yesterday… My garden barrel has been measured, drilled, and sawed. Go HERE to see how that was done. Now begins the slower work of forming the cups that will hold each plant. I borrowed Vernon’s little propane torch. I heated the barrel in a slightly squished circle by my marked lines….

New Project
I’ve been stumbling along through YouTube videos, lately fixated on garden ideas. Somewhere, this website popped up on my feed. It talked of an amazing garden tower and I became fascinated. This garden tower was the size of a fifty five gallon drum with various slotted cuts on it. Nothing too earth shattering, but there…

#TBT: Happy With It, v.2.0
This was first posted February 19, 2011. As I’m finishing up a table, it’s great to look back and see how I did with my entertainment center upcycle. Here she was. And here she is… Complete. OK, Dori, I still haven’t installed your remote so the door can stay shut. Someday… I LOVE my “old” glass…

On The Edge of A Cliff
As par for our summers… we actually HAVE been working on a water project. We’ve been up to our Mesa Pasture a few times, returning this afternoon as well. It was 99 degrees. Not a great day for manual labor… but we had the skid steer, so life was pretty nice despite the temperature. A…

Today we took delivery of two sheds. We’ve wanted to expand our calving shed and finally figured out that two custom sheds and some continuous fence, ought to give us some more room. Yes, we could have built them ourselves, but the time saved of buying them, seemed to be the best option. All we…

Corn Feeder
We decided this winter we would feed ear corn to the cows for supplemental feed. To do that easily and in a timely manner, you need a corn feeder. This spring, when we went to the Black Hills Stock Show, Vernon checked out a couple of feeders, and decided they’d be easy enough to make….