Well, of course there are other things I’ve done today… like defrosting my freezer, reorganizing, and repacking it with beef… and standard household chores… but I did get to spend some time on the table! The quote is from Plato… “Books give a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination,…
Category: Projects
Day Two
Far from done, but happy with today’s progress!
Day One
Design day one… It’s difficult to see, but I’ve sketched out some simple designs… each section has a book in it… after all, this table will return to the library. And then I start…
Starting a new project… this one is for the library… I will keep you updated on my progress… hopefully, that will encourage me to hurry up and keep working! This little table is getting reworked. First step is sanding. Luckily, I had an awesome helper.
On occasion, I wander down and help the guys with this project. For years, Brandon has been fighting with an old corrugated pipe at the beginning of his irrigation ditch. Over the past few days, they’ve ripped out the old, replaced with new, and hopefully made this more efficient. It stretches from here… clear through…
Getting There
The salt shed is making progress. Vernon’s winter project needs a tad more paint, some outside wall tin, and a doorknob…and it will be finished. It’s already served as a nursery, but in between checking on calves and nursing them, Vernon would work on the shed. Today, I started painting the double doors… Brandon and…
Hugelkultur Video
2013. Seriously. It was 2013 when I found out about hugelkultur and decided I’d give it a shot! Everyone wanted me to test drive it, and avoid the work themselves… well, five years later, I think it’s a success… and now I’m five years ahead of “everybody”! Posting on my iPad doesn’t let me link…
Garage Work
The day was gorgeous. There was a strength to the sunshine we haven’t felt for a while, making 45 degrees feel much warmer. I fled household chores after lunch, deciding to accomplish something that wouldn’t be undone in a few more hours! I chose to work in my garage, doors open wide! I’ve had some…
My Project
Well, my little project started about a year ago, when I bought the landscape bricks on sale. It was too late in the year for yard work and then all summer I’ve looked at the pile and kept thinking “someday”. Well, “someday” finally came along and I set the bricks under one of my big…
Done With That Project
It’s only been a few days… but the guys finished up the new stackyard fence today. They were hanging the last gate as I arrived to take this photo. Six feet tall with woven wire to deter deer and other wildlife… half the size it was… with two metal gates. (and phenomenally straight lines!) Done…
The guys are working on a project. Since, I guess, the beginning of Greet Ranch, you’ve been met with a haystack as you drive into our place. It’s also become the repository of some old equipment and a humongous pile of used baling twine and the rotting corpses of old straw bales. Since the fence…
Completed. And for those of you who HAVEN’T read my blog since I started this studio in 2009… Go HERE and see what my studio USED to look like. I’m actually astonished and I did most of the work! Now, hey… there’s some more painting to do… and right now it needs some serious air…