September of 2009. My… how long ago that was! I had a dream. I dreamed an old cabin turned chicken coop could be emptied of junk and remade into My Space. I went into this project with enthusiasm, hauling away pipe and old gas tanks and boards and tin. Ripping down chicken wire. Powerwashing the…
Category: Projects
I’m not going to do the Q&A tonight, so take the time to send me one more question… **** I have been working on some minor (and one not so minor) projects when I can… I decided my front door, well, it’s NOT my FRONT door… Country people rarely use their FRONT door because it…
It was a simply gorgeous day here today… and I took it for myself! The “I-should-be-doing”s got shoved aside and I wandered out to my studio. With winter coming on, my main priority has to be sealing up gaps… and, boy, does the studio have gaps! The main culprit is my dutch door. I decided…
Some Creativity
I’ve been working on a new video… hopefully with less uploading trauma than the last one! So for tonight’s quick pic… I thought I’d make you jealous. The view from my studio this evening… A fingernail moon ornamented the sky just barely out of view, I did catch it in other photos, but still preferred…
Pay Backs
All summer. ALL SUMMER! I’ve been wanting someone to help me hang my Wyoming map that will serve as a shade for my large window in my studio… We’ve discussed methods and brackets and wood vs. metal… But I cornered Brandon… and I spent a bit helping him repair a water tank, and so, he…
I spent most of the day out in my studio. I didn’t get that much done, but it SEEMS like I was working the entire time! I have a few people who might come for a visit… and I was hoping to have the studio as an option for those who wanted a bit more…
It took us until 3:30 in the afternoon, but a carpenter friend and I finally accomplished one of my goals! The ceiling in the studio is UP. It needs paint, it needs trim, it is NOT finished, but I’m celebrating that it is UP! He put them up differently than I had planned, so where…
Decisions. Decisions.
Done with insulation! Yippee! It was much easier handling smaller pieces… why didn’t I do that before??? Next project just may be finishing the door tops on my shelves… If I get them screwed in place, I can walk on them instead of fighting my ladder when I hang my ceiling osb. Here they are……
Getting Closer
Well, it was back to the Good Ol’ Art Studio Project the other day… I worked a bit with some chinking… some cleaning… some organization… but best of all… I managed to get some insulation up! Just about ready for some ceiling osb now… The tallest side still needs to be insulated, but I may…
It’s -16 out there. Nothing like a good chill in the air to keep you inside working on unfinished projects! Still unfinished… but progressing enough you need to see the update! When I was first thinking about moving into this house, I took photos of everything… the other people were in the process of moving…
OK. I took the morning and finished those two boards! That wall is done! The boards were workarounds existing crooked boards, so there was a lot of crawling up the ladder, fitting, sketching, crawling down, sawing, sanding, grinding, then going back up and re-fitting. I then spent time sawing up scrap wood so it’d fit…
Artistic Wall
I did it. 97% of the wall is complete! There are two boards, both of which need lots of fitting and finishing, and when they’re installed, the wall will be finished! (No, not talking trim or window trim or shelves, just WALL!) But this, this opens the door for those shelves that I have in…