Starting from VERY humble beginnings as an old chicken coop… My studio now is a haven for me. It’s quiet. I’ve put my stamp on everything out there… and I honestly could live in there quite easily. It’s been a long time since you’ve seen it, so here’s a tour for your Sunday video…
Category: Projects

As my eyes slam shut, I’ll tap out a few words then head for bed. We continued work on my porch today… with rafters… Roof… and my favorite… the old school bell is back! We’re not finished yet… the bell needs bolted, the uprights screwed in, the interior tongue and groove, and eventually, blue tin…

Knock On Wood
After the first big snow when I moved into this house, I knew there had been a faulty design way back in 1952. The existing roofline allowed snow to plummet off the roof and pile in front of the door. To walk out some mornings, you had to put your shoulder to the screen door…

#TBT: Studio Beginnings, v.2.0
Sometimes you forget how far you’ve actually come! My studio looks so much better now! This was first posted September 20, 2009. Here’s the south facing wall of my studio/aka the old chickenhouse… The windows are covered in chicken wire…with traces of plastic sheeting left wafting in the breeze…The tiny picket door needs a latch…

Fish Pond 1.5
Well, I *was* going to finish it today… but somehow LIFE got in the way… My baby chicks arrived. ALIVE! Sixth birthday photos for Lacee. Mowing the lawn because well… lawn’s GROW… Fast moving storms around and about shut me down early. We didn’t get much rain here, but it rained and hailed south of…

Fish Pond
A new/old or old/new work in progress… something. My house was built in 1952. Sometime after that, a small, square fishpond was installed in the corner of my yard. My old house had a “water feature” as well, but it is covered up and forgotten. I suppose they were all the rage back then, as…

Sooner or Later
I’ve slacked off on ranch work lately… letting the guys do projects without my “help”. The other day, I stopped in to see all the work they’ve done on our calving shed. First of all, they’ve repaired the corral. They’ve torn down a fence line that ran from this post clear over to the orchard…

Rocket Stove
There was more rain today… but we will take it over the four feet of snow they had in Montana! We visited my sister, who showed me how her rocket stove worked. Now, I had Brandon help me make this present for her last year, but, in my typical fashion, I gave it to her…

What do you think? I’m pretty happy with it, perfectly square or not. One of the reasons I built it, was to have someplace to showcase the very old wagon wheel sections that Johnny gave me out of his basement. There are two uneven sections and one spoke. They’re OLD. I took eleven different photos…

Done. Or Not.
I’ve been building a table. I’ve shown you pics in “Project” and “Unfazed”. I’ve continued… trying to figure out five steps ahead of myself as well as upside down and backward. I’m not exaggerating. I had to figure out how to get my legs attached and put on the apron and level the top, all…

School started this week, it’s so hard to believe summer is just about over. I’ve been wanting to build a little table for my dining room for two summers now, so I was determined to do it before winter hits! I also didn’t want to have to buy any materials for it… although I did…

Walking Bridge II
(continued from yesterday’s post) So the platform was partly in the creek, next I’d have to get in the water and man handle the new bridge into place. I am bummed that this is only a temporary little bridge. I will have to pull it out before the creek rises in the spring, but since…