It began to sprinkle last night. Our morning was cool and pleasant after the 90 degree heat of a few days ago. Then, the rain began. As I sit here typing, we’ve been blessed with 1.38”! That’s quite a bit of rain for Wyoming! It continues to pour and the week is forecasted to be full of rain. There are a few reports of roads flooding out, hail on the mountain, and of course, archery hunting season just opened so there will be soggy hunters growing cold and miserable.
Time for an indoor chore!
I’ve been meaning to do this FOREVER. OK. A year. I’ve had 2x4s sitting outside my door for weeks. You may remember the first version HERE. I built a bed frame high enough for plastic tub storage underneath.

Well, embarrassingly enough… it wasn’t enough storage!
When Victoria comes, the twins share a bed and last fall I snagged a new queen bed to replace the ancient double bed they had been sharing. They are growing fast and soon won’t want to share! Nevertheless, I built a raised platform for the new bed today. I had it all together but needed help with the mattresses. After Vernon showed up for lunch, I enlisted him.
I had kept my headboard from my old waterbed. I knew it wouldn’t be perfect, but I wanted a headboard for the boys, and if I wanted classy looking, I would have bought something off the internet. This, I feel, works! Vernon helped throw the box spring onto my frame and IT DIDN’T FIT.
I was .5” off. I was so disgusted. Vernon calmly started removing screws from boards, moved the base 2x4s over .5” and, voila! The mattress fits. So with the box springs, the mattress sets up very high but if I can’t stand it at a later date, I can always raise the headboard (or toss the box springs!).

I grabbed a nearby lamp, chose an assortment of books and slid them onto the shelf. I have a couple of photos from Johnny’s house I will hang. Tomorrow I may do some more organizing if the rain continues. Victoria will be here soon to help with more cow work… and hiding those remaining tubs from her room under this bed will help the congestion she has to sleep in!
Yay for organization!
Find me here!
Lovely colours.
Looking good! Hooray for both of you for finishing a great project.