From Wyoma’s book… Wyoma’s Life Stories.
“When a woman marries a farmer she automatically becomes an instant hired man and she had better know how to do anything and everything or be on the look out as how to do it. I had never shocked grain but I soon learned. When Jim had the horses he could run the binder and drive too. But when we got a tractor we still had the same binder but I drove the tractor. The binder was getting old and sometimes would miss tying now and then. Some one had to tie these. I did this a lot and one trip I made back to get more bundles to make a shock there was a rattlesnake all coiled. Jim beat him to unconsiousness with his fork, but I went after the car and took the shovel and cut its head off buried it one place and rest somewhere else. G. came by and was helping with the shocking and said oh, you don’t have to shock them into ground that way. Well next morning after a breeze in night I re did his. Same way one time when were fanning grain, he told me I did not have to be so carefull in tying the sacks. He showed me how and turned to help with the fanning machine and the sack of grain just sprawled all over the floor behind him. At least mine says I stay tied till my back is turned.”
Oh, my…
If you could only hear her voice…