So after our 2 day run to Laramie and back, it was back to farming.
With the late spring and plentiful moisture, the guys have been squeezing in any farming they could do anywhere!
I’ve been trying to finish painting the basement, and since we know how boring that is… I took my doggies for a walk and took pics of Vernon hard at work.
His work is *more exciting*.
He has a big blue tractor.
He has lots of power at his disposal.
He has fun equipment.
Look at Vernon work.
He’s busy leveling this field.
Since we have to irrigate everything, having a level field is very important… otherwise you have high spots getting dry and low spots flooding and killing your crop.
Since it was time to reseed this field, it was plowed up last fall and further prepared for work this spring.
I was down in the basement, contentedly rolling on ceiling paint, when I heard thunder. Then I heard rain splats.
Meaning Large Raindrops!
I glanced outside and thought, “Gee, wonder if I should go get Vernon?”
Then I reconsidered.
The only thing I could take would be my Durango and half of the distance would be in an alfalfa field. The ruts my Durango would make would make him crankier than the rain getting him wet… so I waited for him to return.
Just a little FYI… being in a metal tractor pulling metal equipment on a flat field during a thunderstorm is *NOT* considered intelligent. I knew he’d be back soon.
He appeared… a little damp around the edges perhaps… and had the rest of the day off!
It rained all night.
We had 3-4 inches of snow this morning.
(I live over that far hill… in the snow level)
I had to go to town to buy food for my branding dinner and it rained the 50 miles to town.
Most of the draws to Worland resembled this one… quite the runoff.
Johnny told me he measured 1.15″ of moisture… which for an area used to 14″ per YEAR… that’s a LOT! and that’s not counting what has fallen today…
How can they say the Mississippi has crested when all of our Rocky Mountain snowpack hasn’t even come off yet?
The National Weather Service declares the eastern Big Horn Basin potential for spring flooding at moderate to high… and snowwater equivalent is at 140-165% of normal.
It’s still raining.
We’re NOT farming.
The weather (and its effects) is gonna get even more interesting.
Stay tuned.
May 10, 2010 Two Down
May 10, 2009 Cody Trip 2
May 10, 2008 No entry.
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