The other evening, we took a drive up the mountain road. I hadn’t been up yet this year, and we figured it was time for a little relaxing drive.
It’s always fun…
seeing how thick the wildflowers are at the base of the mountain, and how on top the Spring Beauties are still in evidence. Spring Beauties are known for blooming immediately after the snow drifts retreat!
We also checked the road to see if we could reach our pasture.
We can’t.
There’s still snowdrifts in the road… and my Durango is no pickup.
There’s our pasture over there by the trees…
I discouraged any further attempt at getting closer… it was late in the evening after all…
Up by the sheep corrals were these wildflowers.
I figured I’d just ask you, my loyal readers… what kind? You did so well with the common Star of Bethlehem from the other day… I think I can throw my Wildflowers of the Rocky Mountains away!
We visited with two sets of neighbors… also out, seeing what they could see…
And on the way down… the light was just absolutely perfect.
“I can’t stand it anymore, you’ve gotta stop!”
Vernon was patient… and I rushed out of the car… laying down on my belly surrounded by a zillion flowers and the warmth of the setting sun.
It was hard not to take a good photo is that setting!
Anyone feel like a Question and Answer session? If so, leave your question in the comment section and I’ll answer them Monday…
June 9, 2010 Wordless Wednesday – “Lucas Portrait”
June 9, 2009 Old Cedar
June 9, 2008 No entry.
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