Drumroll please.
The guys actually ACTUALLY got some hay baled today. Not much. But some.
They started a few days ago… just in time for a nice thunderstorm to blow in and rain.
Then it rained again.
Over half an inch.
But it managed to dry enough to bale some… and the 30% chance of rain for tonight, may just miss us.
Tomorrow is another story with .71″ of rain predicted.
We’re riding and gathering our steers tomorrow.
I’m taking my slicker.
So much for being a Fair Weather Cowboy.
In between all the chores, staring at growing puppies, feeding my crew, and working on the puppy coop and my yard… I hitched a ride with the guys as they went to our mesa pasture.
Couldn’t resist taking a photo of Turkey Brown’s old car…
Definitely a classic!
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