I’m back home!
<happy sigh>
<with happy dogs panting happily by my happy side>
I began the day worried slightly about the road… Kaycee to home is about a 2.5 hour drive over Powder River Pass, elevation 9666′, and I’ve been up there with ice and snow and blowing snow. In fact, the drive from Casper to Kaycee last night was a great example of a ground blizzard, with blowing and drifting snow… the kind that reminds you of the scenes in Star Trek… y’know, that leap to warp speed when all the stars go whishing by. The type of snow storm you can’t use your bright lights in because you’ll hypnotize yourself or have an out of body experience!
Today in Kaycee and Buffalo, as well, glowering skies kept the mood dark and dismal. You couldn’t see the Big Horn Mountains. But I had hit all the antique stores I wanted and even Pick’s Saddle Shop… it was time to head home.
Whispy clouds sifted through the frost laden firs… A gorgeous scene, definitely worthy of a Christmas card or two… The first few miles are a twisting journey, not conducive to photography but I knew a spot where I could pull over and take some great shots.
That was my plan.
By the time I made it to my turnout, the frost had melted from the trees, the ghostly clouds hovered behind and below me, and a gloriously blue winter sky shown around me. In a few miles the transition was enormous.
The road was dry except for a few melted spots, remnants of the ice that had lingered til mid morning.
I flew along, stopping only to snap some shots of my favorite willows… hopefully a future subject for a watercolor… and thought of my last trip over. How it was so bad right before Powder River Pass.
“Well, if it’s gonna get bad, it’ll be there again.”
I topped the pass and bent around the arc of the approach.
I had to stop.
I had to capture the scene.
I know it can’t do it justice, but this photograph tried to capture as best as megapixels can…
Below the height of the Pass, the clouds formed a thick blanket of foam stretching south. What should have been a scene of trees and stone became one of fluff and cotton and angels’ pillowtop mattresses.
It was a delightful surprise to the trip I had pre-labeled dreary and dangerous.
The weather was great, the road dry.
I was headed Home.
Please feel free to ask a question in the comments section… Hopefully, the vlog answers will be up Thursday!
February 7, 2011 New Addition
February 7, 2010 First Walk
February 7, 2009 Apologies, Thanks and Creativity
February 7, 2008 Every Morning (A favorite of mine)
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