So, the plan was…
pick up *another* new toy this evening…
but wires were crossed and tractors blew hydraulic hoses and my muscles have their limits…
so I’ve made it home without my new toy.
But I know you’re gonna love this one, because it had me doing the Snoopy Happy Dance!
Since I didn’t get to take a photo of it completed here…
I’ll go ahead and give you a sneak peek from last week’s construction phase!
Can you figure out what it is???
Uh, J., I’m looking your way in the next few days!!!
Cow work tomorrow, but we’ll figure something out!
More questions, anyone?
April 9, 2011 Stockdog History
April 9, 2010 Atlatl
April 9, 2009 Fighting the Friendliness
April 9, 2008 King of the Kalahari