My sister is here.
We work on projects together quite well.
We also can have fun!
Today was Fun Day.
What would we choose to play with today???
She took her new AR-15… I took my new .22.
(We also had throwing knives and slingshots along for backup!)
I took my little bitty spinny target with us… the kind that swings if you hit it… it’s much more fun than shooting at paper!
A little while later, with a small pile of brass laying next to us… we decided maybe we should go throw some knives.
We went to pick up my little bitty spinny target and found it shot full of holes! My .22 just dings off of it, but her .223 shells went right through!
Boy, did we laugh!
Boy, were we dumb!
I hadn’t thought too much about it (obviously), but… OOPS!
So… just a FYI… even though it’s still a .22 caliber… a .223 packs a hell of a lot more oomph.
We decided to take a photo of our “Redneck-edness”.
Beware, Zombies!
Oh, whoa… don’t lose it!
It’s not *scary* if you *giggle*.
Totally lost it.
We’re not scaring any Zombies now.
It’s just us… having a blast!
April 22, 2011 A Mighty Voice
April 22, 2010 Elsa’s Day at Work
April 22, 2009 Spring Turnout
April 22, 2008 Ahorseback (one of my favorite stories)
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