Yesterday, I said this:
” My plans for a heritage garden have evaporated, and I’ll have to buy some Early Girls in town. I’m sure they won’t have Cherokee Purple tomatoes in Worland! “
So… I shoot to town this morning with a gigantic list.
The second place I stop is our little Pamida store. Although I rarely buy any plants there, I usually cruise through the tiny greenhouse just to see what I can see.
At the end of an aisle is a large sign…
At *Pamida*?
I check the one side, just peppers… and none seem to be heirlooms… so I go around to the other side.
Yes, you know what is coming.
They’re in pretty good condition too… so, without a second thought, I snag them up… plus a Margold tomato as well.
Never never never would I have believed they would have them.
Goes to show what I know.
I continued on to two other *real* greenhouses… neither had any more heirlooms.
Barring any other stinking mice… in a couple of months… I’ll enjoy eating my words!
May 11, 2011 Wordless Wednesday – “A Little Rounder”
May 11, 2010 Enough For Her
May 11, 2009 Rush Rush
May 11, 2008 no entry.
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