Things are starting to get crazy here.
Yesterday’s .8″ of rain slowed us down a bit, but now that it’s over, we’re going every direction your imagination could create!
We helped a neighbor brand a few calves today as well…
I think I shall blame part of my chaos on something to do with this photo I took a while back…
My problem? Clothes shopping. Blech.
I spend HOURS trying to find something new on the internet for this little event…
Even tonight, I had to find some dress to wear tomorrow for another event… and it took me forever to find something a.) that fit b.) that I liked c.) that didn’t look like it came from 1978.
Then I’ve got company coming and my lawn sprouted with this rain and my garden isn’t all the way in and my studio needs cleaned out and no one wants to work for me and Daniel’s potato patch still needs rototilled and my dogs need brushed out and I’m behind on my emails and then there’s this blog transfer fiasco and the basement is a wreck and I still have things up at Daniel’s house and I need to transfer some plants and people still want clean clothes and meals on the table and I’m about ready to implode.
Maybe I can slow down…
May 19, 2011 Fickle Wyoming
May 19, 2010 Wordless Wednesday – “Looking for Heels”
May 19, 2009 Summer Dresses
May 19, 2008 no entry.