Just another day at the library… though I must admit, my last minute Story Time theme of Pirates turned out rather well… Our regular person couldn’t make it, so we read The Treasure, made skull and crossbone flags, searched for diamonds and jewels (leftovers from Mardi Gras), and found a treasure chest in the back of the library. We colored treasure maps and ooohed over my pirate kite leftover from yesterday’s Talk Like a Pirate Day!
I decided I’d just answer some questions real quick.
Shauna said:
Were you looking for the elk or for wayward cattle? If Panama was nervous, I am impressed that Mr. Punch Pants had a calming effect. Punch is experiencing so many new things there on the ranch since he spent his first 7 years in an arena, perfecting his slow jog, and his patterns. What a good boy he is! The bugle is an eerie sound!
Shauna, we were gathering our cows out of the pasture for our big preg testing day. We had just put them in the pasture the day before, so they hadn’t worked their way to the timber on the back side yet. It was more like ride through fast just to make sure nothing was there, but I always love this day. Listening to this is just one of my favorite things to do! I wish the bugling had come through better… Punch is learning a great deal… Daniel is seeing to that! Panama believes in Safety in Numbers…
Sandy asked:
have the cows and elk ever had a run-in? i know those bull elk can get pretty aggressive during rut.
Sandy, not that I’ve ever known. They pretty much ignore each other, just like deer and elk. Or deer and cows. Or antelope and cows…
Marcia said:
Not related to your post (which is great) ….but YEA for Brandon! Brandon Greet is new Washakie Co. Extension Educator!
Marcia, I agree! I’m very proud! He just started and is excited to see where this job goes… he has a lot of area to cover and has lots to learn!
Alison wanted to know:
What kind of backpack? Do you/they like it? I’m looking for one for our new baby, so many to pick from but they all have to ordered. Hard to know whats a good one with out trying it out or getting someones opinion!
Alison, congratulations! Boy or girl? This one is a Kelty backpack. I think it’s an FC style. It has lots of bells and whistles, but Brandon and Megan seem to like it. I bought used Kelty ones off of Ebay for Matt and Toria. They are simpler models. I know what you mean about trying them out! I still love my cradleboard I made for my kids… they face backwards and it’s better I think! Victoria was telling me about someone’s backpack… very simple… Toria, comment here about what kind that was!
Ketra made the observation:
A tree bursting into flame in the wilderness would be something! You’d want to give it your complete attention and do what it said! ;o)
Oh, Ketra! I hadn’t even thought of that! But you’re right, I would pay attention! The thing is, I didn’t notice it until that evening after putting it on my computer… I don’t suppose that would get me off the hook if I *DIDN’T* do what it said… Thanks for the insight!
Thanks for the impromptu questions! I love questions…
September 20, 2011 Canis Familiaris
September 20, 2010 Sponges
September 20, 2009 Studio Beginnings (it’s been three years?) wow.
September 20, 2008 No entry.