Since I’ve spent the past three days working at the library… doing our normal routine plus getting ready for our Harvest Dinner Fundraiser plus decorating for Halloween… I figured I’d share!
The banner my coworker and I created Tuesday is just spiffy…
Then my addition of cobwebs to the ceiling added just a smidge more spiffiness! IMHO!
The kids sure like it!
My cobwebs caught one child who was attending Story Time… and a dog started to eat one section when he came in with his owner! We’ll see how many other stories will involve these cobwebs before it’s all over!
Here’s a closeup of the autumn decorations now transforming into Halloween!
October 18, 2011 Grab
October 18, 2010 That Order (for those of you new to cowboying)
October 18, 2009 Stockdog Clinic
October 18, 2008 No entry.