Thank you all.
As the emotions swirl, and I struggle between tears and bouts of ragged coughing, her presence lingers strongly.
My Golden Girl.
My Sweetheart.
Elsa Dear.
I roam this blog, in hunt for entries mentioning her name.
Her photos appear just as softly as she moved along my side.
But best of all, there are my videos. The ones I shared, the ones I didn’t.
I may not be able to revel in the silkiness of her golden fur, or feel that loving English Shepherd Lean, insistent upon my leg, or search her devoted eyes for Meaning… But I have her captured… Chasing a varmint, mothering her pups, shadowing me on horseback, playing in the snow, goosing some wayward cattle… It’s all on video.
You’re welcome to visit her through my vimeo account.
This one is a good one… From last year.
Oh, Else.
February 16, 2012. Bag It!
February 16, 2011. Wordless Wednesday – “Boomer the Mouser”
February 16, 2010. I’m Back… And There Was No Axe-ident
February 16, 2009. Neighborly OOPE
February 16, 2008. Working Dogs Video (one of the first videos, and it’s about Elsa!)
Find me here!