Yesterday, I got a call as I was heading for work… The Bee Guy was going to be in Ten Sleep and would I like more bees? You bet! So I threw in my bee suit and gloves… and waited impatiently for his call. Finally it came!
They were splitting hives… taking out some of the brood combs, and giving them a new queen to create new hives. I could have hung out for a long time and helped, but I *was* on the library clock…
They shook out some bees for me, and I helped a smidge…
Then they gave me advice… and some more… (All very welcome, by the way!)
And I put the bees in my Durango… and left. But bees can’t just hang out in your hot car for hours while you’re at work, so I set them in the shade of the library. Pretty soon, the second graders came in, and in the midst of another bug story… I pulled out my bee suit and the teacher tried it on! Then, I did what I do… and asked if they’d like to see the bees. We soon had an impromptu class going from a distance! I caught a bee with pollen on her legs and they were fascinated!
They left… but pretty quick, here comes the Kindergartners and First Graders… and I did it all over again! News travels fast in a small school!
I came home and made a movie for you… but it’ll wait until tomorrow!
Find me here!
That was a perfect teachable moment for those elementary kids! I can’t believe you caught a bee with pollen on its legs, to show them!! Wow!
Looking forward to the movie you made.