I’ve been gone a couple of days… back to my hometown of Casper for a funeral. While sadness prevails, there is a joy in seeing relatives that I haven’t seen in YEARS.
There are stories to tell and re-hash, and news of other relatives “lost” through distance and circumstance. I decided it was somehow strange to be considered “grown-up” enough to hear a few of the topics that older relatives decided to share!
If you’ve been around this blog long enough, you’ll remember the stories I shared from my Cousin Robb. He traveled the world a few years ago, and wrote fantastic stories about his adventures (accompanied by incredible photos). Though he is still overseas, his younger brother and mother made their appearance!
I was pleased to find that Cousin Brian, like his brother, seems more like an old friend than someone I barely know! I encouraged him to come back with his family and take the time to see Wyoming and spend more time… it’s a long ol’ drive, but quality time with relatives is a rare and wonderful treat!
(And big brothers are pretty special, too!)
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This is a good picture. Thanks for posting it.