After getting some new belts for the combine, we were Back in Business. Vernon and Brandon stayed busy thrashing the grain, hauling truckloads of it off to the granary, and baling the straw.
I kept busy mowing and working on my website.
Finally, I managed a few photos…
When you don’t quite have enough hay to finish the last bale… and you need about a foot of straw… your bale looks like this! Other straw bales are shown behind this one. These large bales of straw will be used for bedding.
More oats are waiting to be thrashed. The red rut is from the pivot tires.
A pair of sandhill cranes were enjoying their oat feast… and this shot reminded me of a watercolor… so I added a bit to improve upon it. It looks great enlarged… but I may have to try my hand at the real thing one of these days!
Cow work coming tomorrow… a Red Dirt Shirt in progress… and Longmire Days in Buffalo, Wyoming… oooooh, what a week this is!
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Such a beautiful and graceful bird!
Whatever you did to enhance the photo is admirable and artistic!!
Thank you! Photoshop is amazing…
We Just saw a couple Sandhill Cranes on a quick trip out to MI. I’d never seen them in real life, so wasn’t certain I had the name right. Your picture just helped answer my question. 😀
I’m here to serve… 😉
Carol, I don’t know when you would have time to paint pictures, but YOU could. I paint all the time when awake at 3am. None of it is much good, so I call it folk art…meaning it can look like sh.. and nobody, including me, cares what it looks like. It’s more like therapy than art for me. I have been trying for 2 months to paint Indian Paintbrush..OK state flower. Am off tomorrow for a month with Robb and Pam.
I love watercolor… took a class in college and wasn’t very good… but I want to try again. When I get that studio done… 😉 Give my love to Robb and Pam and enjoy your trip!