After a day’s work at the library, and making meatloaf, baked potatoes, and biscuits for supper… I cranked out a few Soap Stones to donate to our Harvest Dinner fundraiser on Saturday! Yeah, ALREADY! It always seems to sneak up on me!
Seems like we’re down in donations this year for the library raffle…
So I’m adding Soap Stones and perhaps this little bauble… Recognize some red hills?
Its reverse side looks like this… (mountains and pine tree)
It’s my first attempt… and I usually give my first try at things away…
I’m going to make more of these for sale… I enjoy working with wool! I’m setting up a new shop as well, and hopefully, avoiding the problems I had last year! So, if this looks like something you’d like for a Christmas present… stay tuned! Soap Stones, wool jewelry, and assorted purses and mittens will soon be available!
And if you’re in Ten Sleep, come on down to the Harvest Dinner Raffle and Auction and support your local library (and ambulance!).
Find me here!
I sent you an email pertaining to a donation for the library / ambulance fund. please let me know if you didn’t get it…
WooHoo! soap stones and wool jewelry available soon! I’ve been waiting…
That’s lovely! I like it a lot.