Well, I *DID* make the movie, and went off and did other things and thought I’d sit down and embed the video and go to bed… and I refreshed my computer and the movie didn’t upload to Vimeo.
The one downfall to ignoring your computer all day!
I don’t know if it was because it is a long movie or what… so here I sit, hoping it’ll be fast and upload, but I’m pretty sure it won’t!
So maybe I’ll just be random, and hope tomorrow, no, not tomorrow, tomorrow’s Wordless Wednesday, THURSDAY, the video will be ready…
The drone, DRONE!, that flew over the powwow and took photos. So I took a photo of it. And stuck out my tongue!
See this lady? She’s in ALL my photos. ALL my movies. Her momma never taught her that it is rude to go to the front and STAND THERE and take pictures the entire time and BLOCK EVERYONE’S VIEW BEHIND HER. Her husband did the same with his huge honkin’ camera and tripod. She could have kneeled down or sat in someone’s empty chair or BACKED OFF AND USED HER ZOOM like I did! I’m very disappointed in her momma. Rude people are bad. Rude people with large cowboy hats should know what they’re doing and instead BE POLITE. It is the the Cowboy Code, isn’t it??
If people wouldn’t think me strange, I’d follow these little dancers around and just take pictures of them! Their expressions, their outfits, their attempts at imitating the older dancers, the uncertainty of what to do… it was all there… I loved ’em!
Well, the movie still isn’t up… so this is all you get tonight.
Oh, for those of you who were still wondering… of course, I bought the turquoise colander!
Find me here!
Really looking forward to the video, and/or pictures of all the tipis!