I’d like to introduce you to … uh.
I’m still not sure what her name is going to be… as Lucas’ breeder can tell you, sometimes it takes me FOREVER to decide on a name… It will probably have something about fire, or light, or red dirt! Lucas’ registered name is Rimrock Lone Firelight of Shepherd’s Way… as in “then those long, long nights by the lone firelight while the huskies round in a ring howled out their woes to the homeless snows…” (as in the Cremation of Sam McGee). Lucas means ‘bringer of light’. Dally is Rimrock Rimfire Dally.
She’s from South Dakota, from Ruth at Badger Hole Ranch. I saw this posting on facebook, and had to just LOOK at the photo!
If you’ve been here a while… you might see the resemblance. She (her name is Ginny) looked like a dark shaded “ungolden” Elsa. And she had twelve puppies!!!
I couldn’t believe the resemblance, so I investigated. Sure enough. Ginny’s dad was Elsa’s brother!
Oh, the English Shepherd community is a small one…
I asked Ruth if she had any sable females that might make a good cowdog… since they were just born, it was hard to tell… but we kept in touch… and now I have a new dog!
If she turns out to be cowy, and there’s no reason she shouldn’t… in two years, perhaps she and Lucas can create some nice pups of their own.
Of course, Lucas isn’t impressed so far… neither is Dally.
Dally may have come to the end of her breeding career… I haven’t decided for sure, but it would lessen the chances of hormones and bossiness creating more trips to the vet. For now, we’re settling in… figuring out how to get along… and looking for a name along the way.
Whatshername just doesn’t cut it.
Find me here!
awwww.. she is soooo cute… name ideas??…check out “mzzz dipper” in the attached… now there’s a sassy fire fighter if ever I saw one
Can’t wait to read about her journey to becoming a cow dog and hopefully MOM.
Kris recently posted…postmodern jukebox
How about “Princess” for a name? She is a beautiful puppy and I could just squeeze her.
Still enjoying your blogs so very much.
Beautiful pups and dog!
What a “de-light” – so happy for you…and especially since she is related to your dear Elsa. Lots of fun things for you to enjoy as she grows.
That is just way cool, especially that she is related to Elsa! I hope you have a wonderful time with her! I have passed thru Worland now 6 times, but never able to make the extra 30 miles to Ten Sleep. I’m back in southern Wyoming after a stint up at the Canadian border out of reach of everthing including wifi and cell service. I am sorry to have never got the opportunity to buy you a soda and meet you in person!
What fun you’re going to have! Congratulations to you, and the new arrival.
OH Carol, she reminds me of Tank, when he was that little. Those eyes!!!!! A mirror into your soul. She will be everything you want her to be.
Aww! Can’t wait to see how she goes! 😀
Lovely pup. Looking forward to more news.