Whoops. Got caught up in watching Nik Wallenda cross the towers in Chicago… And forgot to grab my camera cables out of the bedroom before my guests went to bed…
So, no new photos from today’s brilliant cleanout of the chicken coop! I’m sure you’re disappointed at missing that highlight!
The good news is that we’re moving cows tomorrow, so the everyday boring activities get to be eclipsed by ACTION!
Let’s see what pic I can pull off my iPad… Sorry about the whoops…
Oh, here are some zentangles I’m working on. I hope to give a class on this fun doodling technique sometime soon at the library.
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I love those designs. Are they on coasters?
Yes. Papery things like at Outback or Applebees… not waterproof!
Whoops! how did I miss Nick Wallenda?? iwasburiedinleaves 🙂
No photos of the big chicken coop cleanout, but since all the pictures of 2012 have been restored (yay M.C.!), I could watch the nice little slide show of moving cows on November 3, 2012 – excellent! 🙂