Snow! Gobs of it!
Well, not New York style, but a good little storm this afternoon and evening.
The kind where you feel you’ve transported to the Enterprise right before it goes into warp speed… which I would have taken a photo of but I preferred to *stop* my “shuttlecraft” before pulling out the camera. Maybe you get the idea? Otherwise, I think I’ll have a passenger take the Warp Speed photo and I’ll just concentrate on driving through this stuff!
Eight inches and counting…
I’ll be leaving early for work in the morning…
Find me here!
Wishing you a very Happy Thanksgiving with your family….
Be careful navigating your 4-wheeled craft….
And I wanted to tell you about a fun craft that my niece found on Pinterest.
How to make a snow globe with an ordinary Mason jar. It requires some glycerin, but she was successful. Maybe you’ll find it after Thanksgiving and make a few for the grandkids!!
I’ve seen that… need epoxy to keep the lids on with this group!
Looks chilly out there Carol. Drive safely into work today. Mmmm a day for a nice hot chocolate when you get into work.
no tea???? 😉
It’s not fun driving in that stuff. Be careful – as if I need to tell you that.