Yesterday I said I’d be heading to work early. Well, I did. Ten inches of snow got me out the door in good time… and as I said goodbye to my furry crew in the yard, Dally gave a strange “woof”! I turned back to her to tell her to hush! when I noticed her looking down in the field and not at me or Lucas and Eden. She had spotted elk crossing our field! I waved my arms to get Vernon’s attention through the window, then dug my camera out of my bag. Just had to share on this not-so Wordless Wednesday! All bulls… the tenth one didn’t make it into this shot!
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
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What a wonderful sight captured by a skilled photographer. :). Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
Mary, I’m so grateful to have you here! I hope you had an enjoyable day… and I’ll get some more pics uploaded soon!
Happy Thanksgiving! I’m grateful for your writing, your photos and getting to have a daily peek at a landscape that I love.
Linda Watson recently posted…Bookmark Moments of Gratitude
You’re very kind. Happy Thanksgiving!
WOW!!! Happy THANKSgiving!!
Happy Thanksgiving to you!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
I’m thankful for your blog that allows this suburban girl to get a taste of the cowboy life!
I’m glad for the opportunity… Happy Thanksgiving to you!
Thanks for the heads up, Dally! (Good girl! – just a woof to alert your boss, but no carrying on…)
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Carol, and to M.C. if she happens to read this! 😉
I, for one, am thankful for this always interesting blog and its great photography. Twelve years of caring for my mother, and now just back from another day at the hospital as my sister’s caregiver – it feels so good to be able to go to “my” Red Dirt refuge and “escape”…
Irmgard, what you do is so difficult and tiring and I really applaud your efforts. I know taking care of my mom at the end was just so hard. If this little place gives you joy, then it’s all worth the work! by any chance would you send me your snail mail address at reddirtinmysoul at gmail dot com? Happy Thanksgiving!
Irmgard thanks for the well wishes. I had a very nice day – thank you. I hope yours was too and you got at least a short break from caregiving. Well, actually I hope you got a long break but that is often not possible. I know everyone tells you to take care of yourself too so I will add to that. 🙂 There is something magic about Wyoming and the Wyoming people, except of course those that leave the gates open. 🙂 Carol I just had to add that part. 😉
WOW & OMG That is an amazing sight…. Happy Thanksgiving
Ten bulls! On their way to Ten Sleep?? hahaha 🙂
Have a very Happy Thanksgiving, Carol.
You funny! 😉
Wow, what a sight! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Carol. Keep warm in all that snow and have a great time with your family.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Carol. Keep warm in all that snow. Enjoy your time with your family and all that wonderful Thanksgiving food.