My last day before our Library Open House and Silent Auction. Did I get everything finished I wanted to??
There never seems to be enough time.
But I’ll donate a calendar, a soapstone, and maybe even some honey if I can part with it!!! Then there’s this little item.
These are made of local wool from the Anderson Sheep Company. The wool was sent off to have these made… then I got hold of them. A decorative accent was called for…
So a decorative band was added with needlefelting… and I added a holly leaf on top of that. Since there is no “right” or “left”, I then decided to make the other side not so festive… and more appropriate for times other than the holidays.
I kinda like it… Megan is modeling them for me. Well, let’s show them off to their best advantage…
See? Aren’t they REALLY CUTE now?
Up for bid, tomorrow at 6 pm. (the mitttens, not the baby!) Be there or be square.
Find me here!
You are doing amazing things with your needlefelting! I love them!!
Kris recently posted…global advent calendar
Love the beautiful mittens and the beautiful baby. Both a success.
Great job on the mitts – love them. Also, the pictures of the library decorations from a few days ago are wonderful.
I wish I could go! These are very nice. I know you have worked hard on this.
What gloves? All I see is a beautiful baby. teehee Great job. They are perfect.
Is this Anderson Sheep in Ten Sleep?
Just the right touch to perk up the gloves! Have a really successful auction.
And I hope your auction is a huge success!
I love them!
Adorable!! Oh, and the gloves are really lovely as well! 🙂