Today was payday. The yearling steers we sold last week were shipped to the buyer today. We are all there, plus our “rep” or salesman, the brand inspector, the vet, the truck drivers.
We run them across our scales first, getting weights on groups of 10 or so, and averaging them.
Then they’re loaded on the semi’s…
At one point, Daniel has a helper…
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Rosaline1979 recently posted…Rosaline1979
What a cutie! I bet you are enjoying having cute little girls around now too! Perfect!
Cuteness and more!! And she’s even got a little cattle stick like Daddy!
Pink ruffles and a brightly colored sippy cup…..all the accessories any cowgirl needs. Darling.
Just adorable.. you are a lucky grandma to have another perfect little rancher…
How do you stand all the cuteness?! lol So precious!