All right! You asked for it, you got it! Here’s the tour of my studio as it is… I’ve been working on this building since 2009, obviously not consistently! I have dubbed it Sundog Studio, partly because one of my very first posts EVER on this blog was about a sundog… and because of a favorite photo of Elsa, with a sundog behind her, was taken right by the studio.
I tried to make this short, the first two tries were over 9 minutes long, this one is still long, but I don’t know how to give a tour and make it any shorter… except, perhaps, “Here’s the Studio…”
I did try to insert before, during, and after photos, but that just didn’t work, and I was too frustrated to try anymore… enjoy it, it’s still a good tour!
If you have any questions or need more detailed explanations… leave them in the comment section. Enjoy!
Studio2015 from Carol Greet on Vimeo.
Find me here!
GREAT job on you studio and video, you’ve made it so homey!!
Great job on the video. I’ve been a reader throughout the transformation of the chicken coop to this wonderful space for creativity and relaxing.
And it’s all yours! Well, I guess you’ll share it with your dog companions some of the time, too. 🙂
Wow!! What a great place to be creative in and also find some rest and peace with those wonderful views.
A creative studio for your creations. Thanks for sharing.
You did it!!!! I’m sure you will be adding. It is warm, bright and homey. So glad I got to see it before and now after. I will be back some day to walk through the door again. Maybe I can get K to come along too. By the by my door is open any time too.
a nice ‘getaway’ place!! and a beautiful view too!!
Very cool studio! I am envious!!
I wish I could have visited as the transformation progressed….I still have the “before” picture in my head, and this almost-done version is such a contrast! It’s beautiful, Carol!
I love your studio!
Thank you,
I m really enjoying “Red Dirt In My Soul”
Sandy Slater
That is so cool! I’ve really enjoyed watching the transformation of this building, and you’ve made something beautiful, and special, and meaningful out of it!
Thanks for the tour!