A day of snow (yay!) and babysitting… while Jaxon and Lacee took naps, I pulled out my watercolors and postcards and went to work.
A gallery in Casper has issued a “one painting a day in February” challenge. Now, I’m not *really* participating… they’re meeting to share and encourage each other… I’m here. But, hey, why not? Some people do the NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) challenge in November, so I decided to try OnPaDaiF on my own!
My first? ish. Tried to draw some feathers… not too successful there…
But today’s I will share!
I’m looking for a quote to write around the edges… (suggestions welcome)
These are supposed to be quick little studies, and while I suppose you should stick to one medium, that’s not my style! I’ll try watercolors until pysanky fever wins out, or pastels cry my name. I do like the size of postcards, so I’m definitely sticking with that. My creativity HATES being stuck with one medium!
Anyone want to join me????
Knit something a… week? Draw something a day? Make a card? Stamp a sign? If you’d like to share photos on Red Dirt’s Facebook page we could really have fun! It’s cold and snowy! Let’s create! Go do it now!
Find me here!
Love the postcard. Some of your best work.
So glad to find you at the library today and learn of your challenge. Love having a little push to continue to create!
I really hope you share on Facebook! It’ll be fun!
I picked up your AgChat post on Twitter. Thank you. I have passed the link to my nephew who qualified as an Agronomist last year. He has worked in farming since he left school. Enjoyed driving many John Deere machines in the past.
I’m off to a craft community evening where we all take what we’re working on. Me!!! 64, 6″ crochet squares created over the summer. Almost half joined with crochet. So a square a day for me. Keep on crafting.
Amazing… I can only make potholders with crochet… keep on creating!!!!
I like your challenge, and would probably do a pysanky a day. But right now, I need to put my creative energies toward sew-some-quilting-lines-a-day so I can finish quilting my first lap quilt for the final quilting class meeting in two weeks.
Pysanky a day??? Work definitely would get in the way of that! Maybe a color or two at a time! That’s ok, share your quilt, and when your pysanky creations hit… share those too! What the hay?