Sandy G. : Thanks for posting those “old photos”. It made me think of a question to ask you: Did you teach school in the past? Do any of your daughter-in-laws or your daughter teach school?
No real education experience here… I always thought I’d be a teacher growing up… but no, my actual degree is in anthropology, believe it or not! I have been a substitute teacher, I taught classes for Eleutian (an ESL company), and I was a Girl Scout leader for “forever”, but that’s it. Megan substitutes on occasion as well. Victoria is a middle school math and science teacher. Tess serves on the School Board, which should count for something!
Joanne: So much of your ranch work is dependent on the weather, how do you get an accurate forecast? Is it easier now with things like Accu Weather or the Weather Channel or do you have some good old fashioned methods that have worked well for many years.
Well, we use all of those! All the weather channels, and NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) and whatever wisdom Johnny has come up with after being fascinated with weather (and recording it) for 55 years! Sometimes we just look out the window… and go for it before it changes!!!
Marilyn: Can you share a little about your Native American background – how far
back can you trace it, names, places, etc. Thanks.
Well, I can’t trace it too far, not like the Burtons and McDonalds and Greets! I have my great grandfather’s genealogy back to the original enrollees on the Choctaw Rolls in Oklahoma. Any word of mouth or written accounts are not known any farther back than those great, great grandparents named Pehlichi and Tanasi. My great grandmother’s family goes back a bit farther, due to some full blood Choctaw women marrying white men, but only two more generations there.
JoAmy: The picture you posted of the bunk house with the sod roof, is that on your property, if so what is it used for now, and do you have more pictures of it.
I hope you enjoyed the old version of the bunkhouse on Throwback Thursday. It is on our property, and for the most part, it is used for storage. One side was originally used as a bunkhouse for hired men, a simple one room bedroom with a heating stove in it. The other side was the blacksmith shop and it has some cool items in it… I’ve taken lots of pictures of this place… as have many of our visitors! It’s unique!
Nancy: what ever happen with your mead??
Oh, good question! I drank it. Well, most of it. It’s not great, but it does have a kick to it… and I’m ready to try again! It’s not really flavorful… I’ll try another recipe next time!
Pam: Carol, just a question about 1 of these pictures, so you’re moving cows down the road and elk / deer are crossing right in front of you at top of hill? Amazing!
Yes, you’re correct! They’re mule deer does… and evidently they had somewhere to be! We didn’t phase them a bit!
I think that was all the questions… thanks, folks!
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I did enjoy the throw back Thursday picture in front of the bunkhouse. The cowboy touching the horse REALLY has bowed legs!!
Thanks Carol. Have a good weekend.