Well, today was a twelve hour jaunt to Riverton to watch our heifers sell. These are the girls that didn’t make the cut for whatever reason… and they’re on their way to a new home.
The sale barn was full of a good crew of buyers and sellers… and even more on various phones and the internet.

There was even a real cutie in the audience.

He was very good about staying with his human too.
The auctioneers worked hard on getting good prices…

Despite their best attempts, prices were down from last year. That’s life for a rancher… you just get what the buyers give you.
Goodbye, heifers. Have a good life!

the cattle walk in going that way, they like to follow the leader, & when the gate opens they will file out, but sometimes they will get stirred up & move all around, and if the cattle are calm they stand still, wilder cattle will move around-
Question: I wonder why the cattle are all facing the same way with their “heads
together” in a tight group? Anybody know? (of course there is not much room
for moving around!)
I watched some of the Riverton auction on line! switched around to several auctions during the afternoon, prices down all over for feeders & even bred stock, but the fat cattle market is edging up a bit, I went to auctions Tues,Wed & Thurs. & packer buyers were eager to buy cattle! Hope it gets better for the others!