Lift yourself up… You might be standing on a pile of poo, but at least you’re in the sunshine!
Concerning my library post from the other day…
Those of you who follow me on Facebook, I linked to a video of the Indian Ledger Art piece on the Cody Library’s Facebook page. Artist Marie Shirley-Jones who created the art, based her version on New Bear’s ledger art from 1883.
Also, the painting above the fireplace is by Daryl Poulin. The statue’s plaque reads, “Bronco Buster” by Frederic Remington. That information came from N. G. Thanks so much for sharing that information! I love that you stepped up and helped!
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My Minnesota farm boy husband says it doesn’t count as poo when it’s frozen.
I like that perspective.
Love the quote.
I use to have a black & white cat, my older daughter got it as a very small kitten & when she went to college I got to keep it, Koashka, a Russian word I guess, loved to sit in the sun,inside the house, & watch the birds & squirrels on the deck, I kept my bird feeder filled year round, lots of activity!