A world of difference!
My first long video I posted the other day, was 23 minutes long. It took twelve hours to upload to YouTube.
I received a new router and modem from my phone company yesterday.
Today’s video was 12 minutes long. Going by the first video… a half sized video should have taken six hours, right? Guess how fast this twelve minute one took????
Amazingly enough, it took 25 MINUTES.
I may just love videos from here on out instead of tearing my hair out with them!!
I see things I’d like to improve in my videos… so as I figure out how to do them, I’m betting they’ll get better. Hang in here with me!
Here’s the rest of the tour around our field. As I quit filming… a bald eagle flew by… and I couldn’t get my camera out and started up fast enough. This morning, three were in the cottonwoods just chattering away.
I enjoy all of your videos (short or long), Carol, and especially your comments and descriptions as you go along. That makes them especially interesting. You all have a beautiful area with your ranch. Thanks so much for sharing it with us, many of whom would love to live on a ranch out in the country like you do, but who live next door to neighbors houses in the suburbs! Although we do live in the foothills of the beautiful Sandia Mountains that are always there on the east side of town (Albuquerque) and are always different colors of blue, purple, grey or even pink when the sun sets on them in the evening, so we do enjoy our mountains.
Thanks for the walk along! When I bought my 1st. house in 1970 the 1st. trees I planted were Russian Olives, 3 in the back yard, I lived there 10 years & the trees stayed a few years longer, When I bought this house 32 years ago there was a box elder tree in the back yard, large tree & a real pain in the back side, always loosing branches, long gone now & across the creek, Brody Creek, there are 2 huge cotton woods, not on my property, but my creek is not nearly as neat as yours, I’ll be happy to watch any videos you chose to post!