This was first posted February 16, 2009.
We helped the neighbors vaccinate their cows. It was the perfect opportunity to share more OOPE photos that show a different setting! First of all, notice anything different?

Yup, our cows used to look like this when Vernon and I got married. We had a straight Hereford herd too. As the years passed, we felt the market wanted more cross breds and got into the Angus cattle as well. Now it’s hard to find a red cow on our place! Our neighbors, however, have stuck by their Hereford roots! As often happens on OOPE photos, my telephoto button was accidently pushed… thanks to gloves and cold fingers. The accident actually provided some neat shots. Like this.

And this.

Not so much this…

But on the other hand, I like this…

Just because I love this dark mahogany color… it is also found in willows… and if I was brave, I’d paint a room this color. Our neighbors had a calf… a preemie… and I HAD to get a quick shot of him. Because we don’t get red babies anymore… and they are SO CUTE! And how can you not love something that just can’t keep its tongue in its mouth where it is supposed to be!

I love close-up pictures, and that calf! What a little darling!
Nice close-ups! Any color cow is OK with me!! The picture of the calf is a winner for Valentine’s Day: flashing those gorgeous eyelashes to impress his sweetie! 🙂
Did you see a polled hereford won the Fort Worth Stock show this year? Sold for $300,000. I love a red cow/bull/calf. Dad raised red brangus – small babies that grow really fast and do well in our heat!
Look at those eye lashes. Another red baby to love are those little buffalo (I know they are bison) calves in Yellowstone in the spring of the year. Love your photos and your spirit.
Thanks for landing a baby cow into my Friday morning! 🙂
now your talking my kinda cattle! Love Herefords! But the rest of the world has been led to believe “black is better” peal the hide off, hang the carcasses side by side & they look the same, well enough of my opinion, sometimes the OOPE pictures are the best!! one more thing, a hereford bull & a black cow make those black baldie calves that do so well!