I went down to get a couple of photos of our first calves… and we happened to have another calving. I stuck around, sitting in the sunshine, trying to stay warm, and reading a book. Yes, I’ve been around calving enough to come prepared for waiting.
The heifer may present with a bubble from the amniotic sac. These are easy ones to spot! That gives us a good heads up to put her in a pen in the calving shed. We only do this with first calf heifers since they haven’t been through this before and they may need some help in one way or another.
The sac has ruptured and the front hooves are sticking out. The white softened bottom of the hoof is facing down. That’s perfect. Had they been facing up, the calf would be born breech, with its back hooves coming out first. That’s not good. This calf is doing well.
Right about then, I switched to video mode… which you’ll have to wait for… but it ended this way…
Welcome, baby boy!
Find me here!
Success! well done new mama!