The snow has disappeared again. We’ve suffered through a couple of days of strong winds with that snow… and the guys are making regular trips through the cows. Our heifers are down to the last few, but now the cows are starting to calve. It was miserable with the wind chill, thankfully, we made it through fairly well.
Even those that were born during the storm were born in a protected enough area out of the wind to make it. So long as a calf gets up right away, it seems to make a difference. If they just lay there, they chill down and it’s a struggle.
Everyone just relaxes when the sun shines… the warmth of a wind break and solar heat is simply amazing.
We’re grateful for the little things.

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It is great when things go right.
What a change from the other day! So happy to know that the newborn calves have some good protection from the elements. Even though my daffodils etc. are starting to poke up, we can always get another blast from winter. Enjoy the sunshine! There are ALWAYS so many things to be grateful for!
Do your horses winter out on your property or are they kept in closer with access to shelter?
Looks good! and 3 cows on top of the hill to act as ‘look outs’!
Must have warmed up quite a bit to melt all that snow you had the other day.
Thankful for the Sunshine for sure! Thanks for your posts. They bring us much joy!
What a wonderful photo