We weighed steers this afternoon. Jaxon helped. The entire time. His hands got sore from pulling the chute gate rope. He has to hang on the thing to lift it. He’s quite the worker!
He’s also a pretty happy worker, even if these photos don’t catch him smiling. Just bad timing on my part. Behold. The many faces of Jaxon.

What a good hard worker! That’s how calloused hands are formed. He puts on some interesting faces. 🙂
Great photos of Jaxson with many faces (and thoughts) indeed. He certainly shows how he loves to work the ranch already. Great job, Jaxson.
I think that might be his tough cowboy face. He obviously is working hard and taking pride in his job. These young rancher kids are learning how to work hard at a young age, which will serve them well their entire lives.
Good Wed. morning, Super Moon last night &^ bright sunrise this morning! one comment, Jaxon is learning, but I learned the hard way when I was young, a rope & bare hands can lead to very painful rope burn, time for a pair of leather gloves for the young ranch hand-
Oh these are lovely. You can ‘see’ the concentration going on under that cap. Keep it up Jaxon.