Tomorrow is our branding. It will be our “small” one, with only a bit over 100 calves.
That means the cowboys gathered the pasture today… but I babysat the little girls and finished up my share of the cooking. Since I’m back at work at the library, my Wednesday and Thursday were booked. Get it? BOOKED.
What are we having to eat?
Well, our “small” branding usually gets the short end of the stick… we usually feed fewer people, so less food is necessary.
But, you may ask, how do you keep track of what you cooked and how much and who came and what was the weather like and …
Enter… the book.

Want to know what we cooked in 2016? Lasagna. We had 35 people, but had plenty left. It was a cool day, so we had some drinks left… etc. etc. etc.
How much did we buy? It’s on there.
The only thing I haven’t kept track of, was how much we spent on the meal. That’s too bad… but, I suppose we could go back and check our expenses!

Branding number two was always our bigger branding, more calves, more people, more food. Since we’ve already branded them ourselves with our new calf table, there won’t be a second branding.
It is interesting to go back and look and check out the food and drink and people… thanks to the Branding Book! Oh, and we’re having sloppy joes…
Find me here!
If you published this inexpensively, adding some of your recipes, I think it would sell really well! I know that I would buy one for my cookbook collection. 🙂
You must cook and store everything for days!! But it’s all for the great social gathering of the branding day. Are you all wearing masks at this time?
We are not wearing masks. Wyoming is allowing groups of 25.
How about the Monster Cookie recipe? Fun and interesting to see your notes.
You are so organized. I have never seen a calf table, before yours. Did your sons design and build it ?
No, calf tables are sold by various companies. Ours is a HiQual.
That book is so important in many ways. There is also the calendar telling how many elk, deer, bear, coyote were seen that day. Along with the weather. Writing, is so important for the history of the country.
Cranberry nut pie, now that’s a new one too me, sounds good, one thing about farmers & ranchers, we know how to reward a working crew with great food!