There has been *so much* going on…
We did four solid days of riding. I rode on two of the days and babysat the other two. Bravo went the first day and Eden the second. We were all pretty tired… the kids as well, since they either got up early to go to another house, or stayed up late when they spent the night! The adults were tired from the early morning, the work, and then continuing to work when we got home.
It’s that time of year you can work from “Cain’t to Cain’t” quite easily. (From when you “cain’t” see in the morning because of the darkness to when you “cain’t” see in the evening because it’s too dark!)
This little coyote watched me chase a cow around and around and back and forth and up a draw and down another and back across and then, frustrated and sweaty, I quit. The draw has a gooey creek through most of it, and while a cow might slog through muck or jump down a drop-off or duck under some sagebrush and give you the slip, my horse and I had to find solid crossings and different paths.
I don’t know if he was worried about me or for me… but those ears never stood up like they should!
If you follow me on Facebook, you might have noticed when I mentioned our highway was washed out by a flash flood fifteen miles north of me. Since I had to go to work Thursday, I slowed down to take a few photos of its aftermath.
The normal creek flows through the bottom and you can see how far above the far fence line it rose. There should also be a fence under all that trash just off the roadway.
The other side of the road showing the asphalt that was washed away.
The road was repaired the next morning, though the fence lines will take much more work!
My baby chicks are already a week old…
This photo was from day one.
The guys have been working on haying equipment and Daniel, bless his heart, started cutting down the hay around my house, which helps my allergies tremendously!
If you have questions, post them! I haven’t done a Q&A in a while… Let me know what you’re wondering about!
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Those baby chicks are so cute.
Just wondering if maybe you were the 1st.human that coyote saw? he sure looked puzzled!