This was first posted July 5, 2009.
* My feelings haven’t changed either! CDBG 2020*
Apologies for not posting yesterday. I wanted to share our 4th of July Celebration Small Town Style. I want the world to know…that here… It is everywhere.

We followed it at the front of the parade. It lined the streets.

It’s on the back of a horse drawn wagon.

It’s on the competitors in different forms and styles.

It’s on rodeo clowns and rodeo judges and rodeo spectators.

In different shades, it appears on chutes and wild horse contestants. It was there. It was everywhere. Three basic colors that stand for Something.
Something that we in small towns are PROUD to carry and display and wear and decorate with and show off and salute and support and believe in.
Something that the Wyoming Army National Guard 115th Fires Brigade recently deployed to Kuwait are willing to defend and serve with the ultimate sacrifice.
Here in Small Towns… three colors mean patriotism. A touching salute to patriotism is movingly portrayed in the movie Taking Chance with Kevin Bacon. It’s about a Wyoming boy… coming home. Watch it on the 4th of July. Watch it on Memorial Day. Watch it when another boy has to come home.
Keep your kleenex close at hand.
Those of you that are/were in the military…thank you so much for your service.
It was there.
It was everywhere.

God bless the U.S.A.
Find me here!
I don’t know why my senior school did this, but we learnt the song and the history of the Star Spangled Banner. This meant that when my sister and were I at a Rodeo in CO with US friend we were able to sing, though it was back in the 60’s so we were not word perfect. Red, white and blue are special colours both sides of the pond.
Jean Great comment.
I fly mine 24 hrs a day and 365 days a year.
America! America!
God mend thine every flaw
Confirm thy soul in self-control
Thy liberty in law!
Timely tribute to our red, white & blue. Thank you!
One of my favorite songs ” God Bless America Again” by ConwayTwitty & Loretta Lynn pretty much says it all-
God bless America and may she ever stand tall. Mine hangs from the front of my home. Thank God for all those who have fought for our freedom and made it home and to all those who didn’t. We honor ALL of you.