This was first published November 11, 2009. It breaks my heart to see puppy noses from the past, knowing that Rimrock English Shepherds just cannot catch a break when it comes to raising puppies. I also look at these photos and smile, for I do have some wonderful memories of raising puppies. Dally and her mothering instincts, and Elsa letting her do it! are one of the most amazing and rare behaviors I’ve ever witnessed.
Look closely…

See anything different, weird, unusual?

Oh, sure… there’s the cute little nose and whiskers… but that’s not what I’m talking about. Look again.

You’ve missed it, haven’t you? Well… Here’s a hint. Then there’s the first incidence of this happening… It’s weird… It’s true… And she’s done it again…

Dally has mothered her little sisters and brothers and is sharing their nursing and teaching duties with her mother. I thought maybe this time she was going to pass… finding that motherhood was not all it was cracked up to be… After I referred to my blog entries from the last litter… it seems to be on the same schedule as last time. Just shy of three weeks of age… Dally is now BigSis/LilMomma once again.
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More than beautiful. We do it because of that incredible feeling we get. No way to explain it. It just is.