I’ve been taking Bravo for walks lately… enjoying the fields while they aren’t covered in snow…
Today there were three bald eagles chittering in the cottonwoods, so I grabbed my camera and returned to video them for you… One had flown away, and the other two had completed their conversation.

I made a video, just *knowing* they’d say SOMETHING.
I waited and waited.
They were DONE.
When I looked at my photos this evening, I cracked up. Let’s jump in to anthropomorphizing these two, shall we? The bigger of a mated pair is usually the female. I’d say that’s the one on the top left.
The looks on their faces is simply priceless!
Perhaps Thanksgiving wasn’t a good day for this pair… Maybe he said something he shouldn’t have… Maybe he burned the sweet potatoes… Maybe he drank too much, ate too much, and fell asleep instead of helping with the dishes… Oh, we could make up all sorts of scenarios… but it seems to me, she’s not very happy with him, and he has the standard “deer in the headlights” look!
What do you think?

He looks like he’d rather be anywhere else but knows better than to leave. Who knew birds have expressions. What can he do when “Sorry” isn’t enough?
OMG that’s hysterical. The hen-pecked look on his face is priceless!
Oh yes. That’s the look my sister used on her sons when they were young. No messing with her. Photos are great.
Great photos!