This was first posted December 8, 2009.
The weather hasn’t been exactly balmy here…Currently it is -28 and falling…I’m grateful for my electricity and warm house…The puppies have 2 heat lamps and an insulated dog house…The cold doesn’t bother the big dogs very much.Like today when we headed up to the Mills place.Dally, Boomer, and Lucas wanted to come along…I make Elsa stay home since the bald eagles have been hanging around…I told them it might be a chilly ride going the 3 miles down the highway…but they have cabin fever and were ready to roll.“All right, jump in!”When we hit the highway and the snow blew off the cab of the pickup…it looked like this…

Wooohoooo!We’re having fun now!

The onslaught of snow shows up quite well on Boomer’s black hair…

Do you think Lucas is currently reconsidering his loyalty and desire to constantly be by my side?

At our destination a mere three miles down the road…Dally is powdered sugar frosted.

Lucas is going for the ’60’s look with white eyeliner and lipstick.
PUPPY PHOTO OF THE DAY – Toffee practices her new circus act…

We hope everyone across the country stays warm…Just pack in more firewood and lean back in your recliner…Tune in the National Finals Rodeo…and smile!LONG LIVE COWBOYS!
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