We drove up the mountain the other day.
In December.
In the side by side.
All the way to the top.
In December.

The smidge of snow is definitely unusual. We shouldn’t be able to get here except by snomobile. This makes us just a bit nervous, even though we know that most of our snow/moisture comes in the springtime.
But, honestly, someone send a note to Mother Nature… it’s not that we haven’t relished the nice weather… but things could get EXTREMELY SERIOUS if the white stuff doesn’t show up this winter.
And for those of who that never thought about what happens to the springs on the mountain in the winter…

They still flow. You could hear it. This ice is probably close to three feet thick. If it hadn’t been so wet on top, I might have sat down on it and slid down the hill!

In Middle England we have only had a few nights with zero or below temps. Further north maybe more. No snow as yet. Glad you got to drive up the mountain, even if it did give some cause for changes in our climate.
Same here. Newbies think this is great. There are moments when I appreciate it too. But, it is a worry. No way to control it, so go with it.
I’ll send you some snow! we got our 1st snow last night, look’s like 3-4 inches, but it’s dry here also, so we need it ! and the ground is not frozen yet, so some of this will soak in. Your mention of sliding down the hill took me back to my days spend on my Flexible Flyer sled on a hill right by the farm yard, there was a creek at the bottom of the hill & with any luck we could go right onto the creek ice & keep on going- what fun! Thanks for bring back those days in my mind!