Gorgeous day. It began a little frosty at 3˚, but by the time Vernon had fed his calves and we’d had lunch, it was BLUE sky and SUNSHINE and in the 30˚’s. I let Vernon have a break, but on days like today, I want to do SOMETHING… So I asked.
Wanna do anything? Go for a drive?
Well, he said, I suppose we could go hang gates.
Not what I had envisioned, it’s supposed to be a day OFF work, but, OK. In two minutes, he was out of his chair, had his coat on, and he was off to get the side by side. I ran around, getting on warm clothes, putting my contacts in since if I’m just at home, I don’t usually have to see that FAR… grabbing camera, water bottle, phone, work gloves… don’t forget the warm hat. Snacks? Nah. Anything else? Finally, I’m ready and he’s outside waiting…
We’re off!
You might recognize this place… Vernon and the boys have been working on this fence for quite a while.

The place where you can see the entire Big Horn Basin… it’s sooooooo quiet. Two airplanes and one vehicle on the road miles away was all that disturbed us.

I didn’t work that hard… I held the gates as Vernon drilled the posts and screwed in the bolts. It’s definitely a two man job, but one of the men could be awfully lazy…

The five gates were hung… we picked up leftover posts and barbed wire… hung a couple of weights on the fence line… Stick us with a fork! This job is DONE!
Find me here!
Looking at all that snow makes me cold! BRRRRR! (Remember, I’m in sunny southern California.) I don’t know how to deal with snow and real cold. Good looking fence and quite an office you two have.
I remember staying overnight on a farm in Indiana, when I went to grad school. I had a bit of trouble falling asleep. The night it was pitch black outside except for the stars; and the “quiet” was so absolutely quiet, it felt “loud.” Anybody know what I mean?
I’m sure that Vernon was very glad to have your companionship and your help! 🙂
Another Monday has rolled around, what will this week throw at us? At least another day closer to spring! Your fence is coming right along, That’s one job I never did on the farm, building fence with snow on the ground-