Or should I have said, More Bulls? (To answer a question, these bulls probably average around a ton, the older ones are bigger than the young ones.)
They know where they’re going… cattle are creatures of habit… they learn quickly the way to their pastures… just let them do their thing.
I just sat there and watched them walk in the correct gate… no shooshing required!
Bravo had to be content to watch as well…
Brandon and Jekyll cruised buy with the bulls’ reward…
Vernon came up to help pitch it off the pickup.
Bulls fed. Sun down. I quickly head for the house!
Find me here!
So the bulls are easier to move to the next pasture because they are mostly older and know the way? And the cows and calves are younger and not so certain? Or are they just more ornery and opinionated?
Glad you didn’t have any of the spectacular Bull Stories this time around.
dad only had 1 bull, the first I remember was a horned hereford, I guess that’s why that is , and will always be my favorite!