It was cold. He’s a dog. He was not a cold dog. (as opposed to a hotdog ;-)) He relishes the cold, he loves it, he prefers it. Please don’t tell me to keep him inside, he would NOT be a HAPPY dog.
For a jigsaw puzzle of this photo, go HERE.
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P.S. The only dog I had that didn’t enjoy the cold and would start shivering after a while was our little dachshund-terrier-mix with no undercoat. He still loved to zoom zoom in fresh snow! None of them were too happy about hot days, though (which meant walkies at 5 a.m. for night-owl me, ay!).
Thanks much for the beautiful and fun jigsaw puzzle!! Bravo looks gorgeous in this picture, too; bonus: VIEW! And red dirt in the background… You do live in a breathtaking place!
I have one just like that LOL!
“Calendar Dog” for next year! very handsome.
This picture is worthy of publication.
What a gorgeous photo