For a jigsaw puzzle of this blue country, go HERE.
P.S. Valentino is still doing fine. He’s down with his mother… no longer in my mud room!
Find me here!For a jigsaw puzzle of this blue country, go HERE.
P.S. Valentino is still doing fine. He’s down with his mother… no longer in my mud room!
Find me here!
Puzzle in blue – nice pastel hues of the sun behind the snowy hills. Always enjoy doing them. You can change the size and shape of the pieces, too, when you create them.
Congratulations on saving little Valentino’s life, what a sweet success! I’m curious to know whether his mother accepted him right away? Is it the mother’s hormones that make her want to care for a baby, her full udder? Do you think that she even recognized him as her own, despite his unfamiliar(?) smell?
While I’m at it with questions for your next Q&A: Today’s puzzle (thanks!!) picture shows, once again, how cattle apparently like to really take advantage of the space available to them and spread out (esp. when they feel safe?). They don’t seem to care to bunch up in a tight herd but go their individual ways, or they form small groups. Is my impression accurate?
Finally, I’ve been meaning to say that I think your banner photo is just BEAUTIFUL!
Wonderful news on Valentino! How did Momma do with him?
Yeh for Valentino, his Mama AND YOU!! Hopefully, he continues strength. ❤
Yeah! So glad to hear he is with his Mamma!